Lets build a better world together!


We teach to love the people around us and encourage Christian worship. We believe in doing our part to protect and preserve the environment, and we encourage others to follow these same principles in their lives.The children of light – those who are searching for the fundamental principles of right living, with a view to making themselves into wise and happy beings – must train themselves to observe the law of cause and effect in thought, word and deed, as implicitly and obediently as the gardener obeys the law of sowing and reaping.

1. Right principles
2. Sound methods
3. True actions
4. True speech
5. Equal-mindedness
6. Good results

In the lives of all the Great Teachers we see a manifestation of that Universal Truth, the majesty and splendor of which is as yet but dimly comprehended by mankind, but which must, during the gradual transformation and transmutation which the accumulating ages shall effect, at last become the possession of all. That Truth, as manifested by the Teachers, was written by them, as it only can be written, in thoughts and deeds of the loftiest moral excellence which have been permanently impressed upon the mind of mankind.For us, there is no doubt that God love is for all of mankind, and we are inspired by His love for us, to share blessings with our fellow brothers and sisters of the world.Our Mission teaches us to care for humanity as an open and friendly community dedicated to making a positive change in the environment, in the lives of others, and for ourselves. We are dedicated to being God’s followers, to spreading love and care for our world, and to helping the poor, needy and impoverished.

Medical Assistance

“Our efforts to provide Integrated Natural Medical Wellness Healthcare is based on working with the START ANEW concept, developed by our affiliated advisory physician, Dr. Samuel Dizon, It is our belief that providing people with clean water, natural food, and a healthy lifestyle, builds the very best foundation for good health, and it is our desire to provide those in need, with the highest quality healthcare at an affordable price.

The START ANEW Concept
The START ANEW concept is based on these core principles:

3. AIR

Good health is the foundation for an abundant life.
An abundant life is the foundation for a meaningful life.
A meaningful life is the blessing of serving God to our greatest ability”


“Our housing efforts focus on providing low cost and eco-friendly building materials which provides shelter during emergencies and natural disasters. In order to give assistance to the needy during these and other difficult periods of time.  It is our desire to create a self-sustaining communities that benefit the local community and the environment. This endeavor is created to provide a sustainable community in the most sustainable way possible.

Housing and homelessness is an issue we have worked on and discussed for over a decade. It has been brought up several times over the past 2 years. Our organization has done numerous studies to determine what would be best for the community and what would benefit the most. While many homeless shelters are run in a cost-saving manner, this type of shelter is unsustainable.”

Feeding Program

Our feeding programs provide a balanced meal, school supplies, some new underpants and rubber slippers, a positive hope sermon and a bible class with prayers, readings and scripture studies. These events will be delivered to the students at local elementary school & churches. The food, school supplies and clothing will be purchased from a local business. The students will take part in Environmental awareness lessons and all attendees are entered into a master data base with benefit of our membership and the students will be recognized with a certificate to acknowledge all of the programs they have been promised to attend.

Thank you for your kindness dear volunteers